Hospital Governance
Haydom Lutheran Hospital (HLH) is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance. Its governance structure is flexible enough to adapt to changes in the internal and external environment and the hospital strives to regularly review its processes, rules and regulations and structures with a view to ensuring the best performance of the Hospital Board and overall management of its operations. HLH is governed by the Hospital Board appointed by ELCT Mbulu Diocese (owner) which is responsible for overseeing the provision of high-quality health care services and the provision of guidance on continuous quality improvement through its three committees (Planning Finance and Audit, Quality Assurance, and Human Resource and Administration.
Board Chairperson, Executive Director Christian Social Services Commission - CSSC
Quality Assurance Board Committee
This is one among committees of the Hospital and is responsible overseeing the provision of quality clinical affairs of the hospital.
Human Resource and Administration Board Committee
The Human Resource and Administration Committee provide oversight of all human resource and administration matters including employee’s benefits, oversee compliances with laws and regulations and evaluate good governance
Planning, Finance, and Audit Board Committee
The Finance, Planning and Audit Committee monitors the financial performance of the hospital and its associated legal entities if any. It considers financial policies and issues and makes recommendations to the Governing Board on these matters having regard to the importance of financial sustainability. It evaluates financial progress reports, financial statements and budgets of the Hospital and other related financial issues and makes recommendations to the Board thereon.
HLH Governing Board Members- 2023-2026
S/N | Name | Position | Designation |
1 | Mr. Peter Maduki | Chairperson | Executive Director- CSSC |
2 | Rev. Elibariki Duwe | Member | Pastor |
3 | Mwal. Fabian Adayo | Member | General Secretary- ELCT |
4 | Hon. Yustina Rahhi | Member | MP-Manyara Region |
5 | Adv. Gloria Mafole | Member | Advocate- CCT |
6 | CPA. Daniel Lorry | Member | Senior Lecture - Accounting and Finance IAA |
7 | Dr. Shadrack Makonda | Member | DMO - Mbulu |
8 | Dr. | Member | RMO - Manyara |
9 | Mr. Hedson Baynit | Member | Senior Finance Officer |
10 | Mr. Samwel Yotham | Member | Trade Union Representative |
11 | Mr. Batholomayo Madangi | Member | Principal - HIHS |
12 | Dr. Paschal Mdoe | Secretary | Executive Director - HLH |